Contact Info

888 Western Ave. Seattle, WA 98104
2214 Hanselman Ave. Saskatoon, SK S7L 6A4

Community Groups

Promote local businesses and help residents find the best services in your area.
ClientLinkt Connector

Connect Your Community

Perfect for neighborhood associations, apartments, condos and schools - share a list of recommended businesses, local events & community contacts with people in your ecosystem.

Help Residents

Make it easy for residents and people in your community to find trusted contacts. Better yet - encourage businesses to offer a discount to people using the app.

Stunning Graphics

Support Your Local Economy

By creating a list of connections, not only will you help residents find trusted contacts - but you'll also be supporting local businesses.

Generate New Funding

Have a fundraiser or new community initiative? There's even the option for businesses to promote themselves within your list with advertising options. You'll generate new revenue while helping your community.

Connector Smartphone App

Be a Connector.

Get Started with Your Free 30-Day Trial. No Obligation. No Credit Card Required. Get Started